


The MiniPONS is a short, multichannel version of the established Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (PONS) test (Rosenthal et al., 1979). The full test has been extensively validated in many different cultures, showing substantial correlations with a large range of outcome variables. The short multichannel version (64 items) available here correlates very highly with the full version and shows reasonable construct validity through significant correlations with other tests of emotion recognition ability.


To try out the MiniPONS, please go to our Exploring your EC page.


You can also download the MiniPONS video files on the website of Northeastern University.

Obtaining an online version of the MiniPONS for research purposes

If you wish to use the online MiniPONS for academic research purposes, please follow the instructions below:


  1. Read the EC generic manual and the MiniPONS user Manual 
  2. Download and print the MiniPONS user agreement form
  3. Send the completed and signed agreement form together with a brief description of the project (1/2 to 1 page) in which you want to use the MiniPONS to eureca(at)ugent.be.
  4. Upon approval of your request, you will receive a personal link to administer the MiniPONS to your subjects and to download the results.



Bänziger, T., Scherer, K. R., Hall, J. A., & Rosenthal, R. (2011). Introducing the MiniPONS: A Short Multichannel Version of the Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (PONS). Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 35, 189–204.